you sent a star to enlighten the wise
and a child to topple the tyrant.
Make us wise enough to seek you
among the least of your children,
wise enough to trade our treasure
for the gift of overwhelming joy.
News from our Presbytery's Hunger and Environment Programs
We have a new blog website for our Hunger Action and Advocacy partnership with New Brunswick Presbytery. There is still good info on this blog but the latest info is at the new site - hope to see you there!
November 2009 - Welcome to New Jersey Presbyterian Hunger Action and Advocacy, a ministry of Monmouth and New Brunswick Presbyteries. We share the goal of the Presbyterian Hunger Program: to alleviate hunger and eliminate its causes. We are here to help congregations engage in a range of creative ministries to help hungry and poor people.
Check out our “Congregations” pages to learn more about what congregations are doing and find ideas of what you can do. Hunger Action Enabler/ Advocates, Rev. Marcia MacKillop and Rev. Phyllis Zoon, serve as educators and motivators–we are here to help.
Our website/blog is a “work in progress” that we hope will be informative, useful and fun. All comments welcome!
October 18 (or a Sunday of your choice): Bread for the World Sunday
Then the righteous will say to him, “Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food?” -- Matthew 25:37
The headline read, “World hunger reaches 1 billion mark” - and I never got any further in praying for the news this week.
Lord, when did we see you hungry, and not give you food?
The global financial meltdown has pushed the ranks of the world’s hungry to a record 1 billion, an increase of 100 million over last year. One billion. That’s one out of six people in the world.
2. Would you like to know for sure that more of the money you spend on coffee goes to the hardworking farmers who grow it?
3. Would you like to know that the coffee you drink has been grown with care for the stewardship of the natural environment?
4. Would you like to save some money on your purchase of fair trade organic coffee (compared to prices in most supermarkets)?
5. Would you like to know that your coffee purchase will help guarantee that farmers will earn the income they need to feed their families, educate their children, and improve their communities?
If you can answer “yes” to at least one of these questions, check out the Presbyterian Coffee Project. Try a package from the presbytery —better yet, organize a project at your church! More info at