Thursday, December 4, 2008

New Jersey Council of Churches Launches "Clip Campaign"

Bring your coupons to the Presbytery Center--we will collect and make them available on request to hunger ministries or send them on to NJCC

In these times of unprecedented fiscal uncertainty, the NJCC is launching a new campaign to help people in need. Every week thousands of coupons that can be used to help purchase necessary items are thrown in the trash.

The NJCC would like to ask its local churches to begin an organized collection process of coupons for distribution.

Here is how it works. Churches will collect coupons in four categories:
  1. cereal
  2. baby products
  3. detergents/cleaning supplies
  4. miscellaneous (a particularly good coupon in any area)
The coupons should be distributed either:
  1. to the NJCC office; we will see that they are given to those in need
  2. to members of the church who need them
  3. to another local church
  4. to a local food pantry or soup kitchen

Please consider having your church participate by taking this step and helping in another way to make a difference.

For questions or comments, please respond to this email or call the NJCC at 609-396-9546.

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